Jon Jacks 's Books
A very well recieved series by Jon Jacks are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Heartache High: The Primer, Americarnie Trash, God of the 4th Sun, The Last Angel, Wyrd Girl, A Guide for Young Wytches, Dragonsapien, Lady of the Wasteland, The Cull, Miss Terry Charm, Merry Kris Mouse & The Silver Egg, Seecrets, April Queen, May Fool, DoriaN A, Died Blondes, Heartache High: The Wakening, Cygnet Czarinas, The Caught, Sick Teen, The Desire: Class of 666, Lowlife, The Wicker Slippers, Memesis, The Rules. Book 1; The End, Gorgesque, Porcelain Princess, Self-Assembled Girl, Heartache High, We Three Queens, Eve of the Serpent, Queen of all the Knowing World, The Wendygo House, Blood of Angels, Wings of Men, The Boy In White Linen, Elm of False Dreams, Thrice Born, which was published in 2022.
Heartache High: The Primer
Americarnie Trash
God of the 4th Sun
The Last Angel
Wyrd Girl
A Guide for Young Wytches
Lady of the Wasteland
The Cull
Miss Terry Charm, Merry Kris Mouse & The Silver Egg
April Queen, May Fool
DoriaN A
Died Blondes
Heartache High: The Wakening
Cygnet Czarinas
The Caught
Sick Teen
The Desire: Class of 666
The Wicker Slippers
The Rules. Book 1; The End
Porcelain Princess
Self-Assembled Girl
Heartache High
We Three Queens
Eve of the Serpent
Queen of all the Knowing World
The Wendygo House
Blood of Angels, Wings of Men
The Boy In White Linen
Elm of False Dreams
Thrice Born